
Endless Possibilities

Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. ~ Clarence Thomas

Mutual Respect

Discretion shall be given and expected throughout our time together. Arrive and depart from my home or hotel without drawing attention or discussing the nature of our interaction with others.

Your gift for our time together should be visibly placed upon your entry to my home or hotel.

Upon your arrival, I will be freshly showered, have clean breath, applied antiperspirant, while wearing a modest scent. Please be thoughtful to extend me the same courtesy.

Should you arrive after a long day’s work, travel or exercise I will be happy to wait while you freshen up. Everything you need will be available in the bathroom.

Mutual respect creates a quality time together that is fulfilling and fun for both of us.

Common sense is practical should we cross paths in a public setting while one or both of us is with others. We both have lives outside of our time together. A polite smile without acknowledgment often is the best response.