
Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. ~ Clarence Thomas

Mutual Respect

Discerning gentlemen are my preferred clientele. A discerning gentleman, to me, is honorable when scheduling his appointment and behaves respectfully towards me.

Discretion shall be given and is expected throughout our time together. 

Be mindful when arriving and departing from my home or hotel without drawing attention. Indiscreetly lingering in a doorway upon arrival or departure attracts the attention of my neighbors and hotel staff. Discussing the nature of our interaction with others, in those mentioned environments, is not discreet, nor is it a display of mutual respect. 

Upon arrival, please place my gift in clear view and unsealed if in an envelope. Please be mindful, as requesting it can feel awkward and could be perceived as entrapment by law enforcement in the USA.

Personal hygiene: Shortly before your arrival I will have showered. Please arrive freshly showered or ask to shower if you have arrived after a long journey or work day. Cleanliness shows mutual respect. Needing to request you shower is a mood killer. Your mindfulness is greatly appreciated.


Gentlemen 40 years and older are my preference. Gentlemen in their 30s are rarely accepted due to their weak conversation skills and an inability to behave respectfully towards me. (A 30’s exception: Married with children and a successful business owner with two qualifying references from high-end providers, he has seen in the last year.)

Men in their 20’s are not my interest. (100% non-negotiable) 

Gentlemen in their 30’s remain a challenge for me. If you are in this age group, accept the following requirements:
-Email of introduction is required. (you must send it)
-A voice phone call is required. (texting is not talking)

-You must send a link to your LinkedIn (not a screenshot)

-Deposit is always required (Venmo, CashApp, Amazon Gift Card)
-Scheduled appointment time must occur
-Confirmation of appointment time is required on the day of the appointment
-Same-day appointments are not possible.

-You must pass the screening 


An introduction text or email is intimidating for some men. Here is a polite suggestion:

•Hello Gweneth, my name is:

•I am located in + city on your tour or visiting Palm Desert on these dates: Are you available? 

•I would enjoy your company for 0-90 minutes, 2, 3 hours or a Dinner Date. 

       *Brevity is the essence of wisdom ~ John Maxwell* 

This basic information assists me to take the lead and guide you.

Excessive messaging is both inefficient and ineffective to me. 

Sensual exploration is wonderful.  Graphic photos, language, emails or texts will not be well received by me. A discerning gentleman should know better. 

Let’s agree to mutual respect and creating exciting memories together. 

Same-day or last-minute appointments are not possible if I do not know you.  Screening, phone call and checking of references requires hours and on occasion days. (Pending a response from the provider references)Â